Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Faith and Confusion > Page 2


Praying in the Mix-Up

On Practicing Faith in Confusion

Page 2

Now, just consider us who are spiritual leaders. People look to us for encouragement in faith, but we do not spiritually lead by appearing to live beyond the struggles, doubts, and uncertainty that haunt or hover over many persons. And, with many of the familiar signs along the way of faith dissolving in our culture, no wonder persons today will be confused about faith and God.

What leads us to refusing to accept confusion in our relationship with God? Well, for one thing, we have been taught we ought not be confused. Much popular religion does not validate and link faith and doubt, certainty and uncertainty, being spiritually healthy and confused at the same time. That is to say, its often does not rightly value humbleness. Pride's voice is, "I want to look strong, having it all together, and impressing others." Certainly, Jesus did not appear strong, did he, in the Garden of Gethsemane or on Calvary? Do you think his disciples heard his crying and looked on his tear-soaked face when he rejoined them in the Garden? Do you consider Christ on the cross a challenge to our felt-need to hide our humanness and vulnerability? I do.

Now, we look at faith. Faith is trusting God enough so that you can be as honest as possible with what you are experiencing. Faith is not the magic key to the kingdom of absolute certainty. Faith leads us to our knees, or some posture, to be right-on with God about our being mixed up and our sometimes mixed up lives. Faith allows us to risk others thinking - or saying -, "Wow! She is not the strong Christian I thought she was?" Maybe that is what the Spirit is seeking from us, at times: an embracing and confessing of our confusion and, sometimes, felt-lostness.

We, hence, keep praying. The following verses can encourage us in this matter of prayer.... I will follow each one with comment:

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

*Ephesians 1.18, NLT

Let the Spirit inspire your prayer - this may require you to quit trying so hard -, not your head; you pray, whenever and wherever, as part of the network of all persons in Christ, so, pray for others. Praying for others may help you as much as praying for yourself.

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

*Colossians 4.2, NLT

Prayer is a vital ongoing dialogue with God, something we give our whole selves to, not just part of ourselves. We give all of ourselves to God who gives all of Himself. Essential to all prayer is an attitude of gratitude.

I want everyone everywhere to lift innocent [holy, consecrated, devoted] hands toward heaven and pray, without being angry or arguing with each other.

*I Timothy 2.8, CEV

Our prayer life is helped by being at peace with others. How can we be close to God and harbor negative thoughts and feelings in our hearts. Our lifted hands speak of a life lifted in honor of Love, in Christ.

When you pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private, and he will reward you.

*Matthew 6.6, CEV

Jesus did not say, "If you pray...." God will bless you when you spend time in a quiet place to be honest about your need. Even a minute in the closet, even the temple of your heart when you are physically among others, is a sacred altar. Go there, and often.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Faith and Confusion > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024